I am using the webonyx/graphql-php
and Laravel.
I have a single middleware
that "catches" all graphql
requests and I would like
to apply some logic to filter some requests
depending if the request
is a mutation
and which mutation
it is.
I "intersect" the graphql query (similar to this one) where the mutation storeCC is being called
"query":"mutation ($input: Card!) {
storeCC(input: $input) {
Then parse the query
using the GraphQLLanguageParser
into a GraphQLLanguageASTOperationDefinitionNode
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/WS48n.png
My question is then How can I know the mutation
name (storeCC is this case.) using the OperationDefinitionNode
? Is there another way to extract the mutation name (storeCC) that I am invoking from the query string