I have a posts
resolver which uses this logic to return posts:
const qb = Post.createQueryBuilder('post')
.select(['post.id AS id', 'post.createdAt AS id'])
"json_build_object('id', user.id, 'username', user.username, 'email', user.email, 'createdAt', user.createdAt, 'updatedAt', user.updatedAt)",
if (req.session.userId)
qb.addSelect((qb) => {
return qb
.from(Updoot, 'updoot')
.where('"userId" = :userId AND "postId" = post.id', {
userId: req.session.userId
}, 'voteStatus')
else qb.addSelect('null', 'voteStatus')
qb.innerJoin('post.creator', 'user')
.orderBy('post.createdAt', 'DESC')
if (cursor)
qb.where('post.createdAt < :cursor', {
cursor: new Date(parseInt(cursor))
const posts = await qb.getRawAndEntities()
console.log('posts: ', posts['raw'][0])
return {
posts: posts['raw'].slice(0, realLimit),
hasMore: posts['raw'].length === realLimitPlusOne
I want my data to be structured in this way:
posts: {
id: 29,
createdAt: 2023-02-07T06:53:39.453Z,
creator: {
id: 44,
username: 'prashant',
email: '[email protected]',
createdAt: '2023-02-06T13:02:11.717504',
updatedAt: '2023-02-06T13:02:11.717504'
voteStatus: -1
But instead of id
and createdAt
I get post_id
and post_createdAt
key names which is not compatible with my graphql types. Even though I added the aliases for these columns I am getting:
posts: {
post_id: 29,
post_createdAt: 2023-02-07T06:53:39.453Z,
creator: {
id: 44,
username: 'prashant',
email: '[email protected]',
createdAt: '2023-02-06T13:02:11.717504',
updatedAt: '2023-02-06T13:02:11.717504'
voteStatus: -1
Is there any problem with my code or should I create a mapping function which key names to appropriate ones?