Hi I am trying to make a GraphQL API using FastAPI and Strawberry and could not figure out how to do this. Essentially here is my problem: I have one model (call it Department) that has a one to many relationship with the Employee model, so that department.employees is the list of all employees belonging to that department. The issue I have is that an employee also has a department, so if I split out the types (see below) I have a circular import. How can I resolve this? Thanks.
import strawberry
from app.models.employee import Employee as EmployeeModel
from app.api.v1.definitions.department import Department
from app.api.v1.definitions.profile import Profile
class Employee:
id: str
email: str
instance: strawberry.Private[EmployeeModel]
def department(self) -> Department:
return Department.from_instance(self.instance.department)
def profile(self) -> Profile:
return Profile.from_instance(self.instance.profile)
def from_instance(cls, instance: EmployeeModel):
return cls(
import strawberry
from app.models.department import Department as DepartmentModel
class Department:
id: int
name: str
def employees(self) -> "Employee":
from app.api.v1.definitions.employee import Employee
return [Employee.from_instance(employee) for employee in self.instance.employees]
def from_instance(cls, instance: DepartmentModel):
return cls(
2 Answers
A solution is described in the Lazy Types section of the docs.
While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. – From Review
– ouroboros151 mins ago
The answer was:
strawberry.LazyType["Department", "app.api.v1.definitions.department"]
What does this mean? Where did you put this code? I don't know how to combine a resolver and a lazy type. The resolver needs to instantiate the other model and for that it needs a real reference.
– Justin TomanSep 26 at 22:02