8 Consider this code: #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <cstdint> #include <ranges> int main() { struct S { int a; int b; bool operator==(int other) const { return a == other; } }; std::vector<S> iv{ {1, 2}, {3, 4} }; // this works if (auto const it{std::find(iv.begin(), iv.end(), 1)}; it != iv.end()) { std::cout << […]
6 I have provided the sample codes below. My issue involves placing ‘map2’ in a square at the top left corner of ‘map1’ and adding an arrow from ‘map2’ to a specific location on ‘map1’. I’ve searched the site, but most commonly discussed topics are related to merging two data layers. library (tidyverse) library (rnaturalearth) […]
2 I am trying to type the event object coming from my AWS Amplify/NextJS front-end. It is sent via Amplify/GraphQL and being received in a NodeJS AWS Lambda. The typescript interface contained in import { AppSyncResolverEvent } from "aws-lambda"; – but this doesn’t quite match the event object that’s being received. Can someone please advise […]
0 I have a working codegen.yml example using: src/generated/graphql.tsx: plugins: – typescript – typescript-operations – typescript-react-apollo that works great for our front end code making a tsx final result used with react. Over in my other project: src/generated.ts: plugins: – "typescript" – "typescript-operations" – "typescript-document-nodes" I’ve replaced typescript-react-apollo with typescript-document-nodes and sometimes I can get […]
0 In the version 3 of apollo server, we could use import {gql} from "apollo-server-express" to create typedefs and schemas. But in v4 of apollo server, apollo-server-express and apollo-server-core are depreciated and will be removed. So, instead of importing gql from apollo-server-express, how can we import gql I tried import gql from new @apollo/server and […]
-2 the problem is specifically related to user registration using GraphQL on the Supabase platform, and you’re seeking help to resolve it. this the function i use Future<void> registerEmployee( String email, String password, BuildContext context) async { try { setIsLoading = true; if (email.isEmpty || password.isEmpty) { throw ‘All Fields are required’; } const String […]
0 Hi I am a bit of a newbie in typegraphql and graphql in general so theres a thing that i want to change but to put it simply: Current Working Code I want to change: @ObjectType() export class Game { @Field(() => Int) id: number; @Field({ nullable: true }) producedByUserName?: string; @Field({ nullable: true […]
0 import { gql } from ‘@apollo/client’; const GET_CLIENTS = gql` query getClients { clients { id name email phone } } `; export { GET_CLIENTS }; import {gql} from ‘@apollo/client’; const DELETE_CLIENT = gql` mutation deleteClient($id: ID!) { deleteClient(id:$id) { id name email phone } } `; export {DELETE_CLIENT}; import React from ‘react’; import […]
6 I need your help, and I have provided the sample codes below. My issue involves placing ‘map2’ in a square at the top left corner of ‘map1’ and adding an arrow from ‘map2’ to a specific location on ‘map1’. I’ve searched the site, but most commonly discussed topics are related to merging two data […]