0 I need to list all unique product-options within a Shopify store using the GraphQL API. However, I’m unable to do so and can’t find the solution in the API docs. Currently, I can query all product-options in the store using GraphQL-query: query { translatableResources(first:250, resourceType:PRODUCT_OPTION) { nodes { resourceId, translatableContent { key, locale, type, […]
0 I create Enumeration values with underscore in Strapi, such as "_blank", "_self", and then query these values via graphql, the returned value is "blank", but if I query the value via RestApi, the returned value is "_blank". create enumeration in Strapi How can I query the actual value "_blank" via graphql in Strapi? graphql […]
0 If I start with a large GraphQL query that has 600+ spans on the dataFetching graphql resource, and I extract part of the query so that there are only 200 spans on that resource, the execution time of dataFetching doesn’t change at all. I don’t really understand why that is? If it’s not fetching […]
7 I’m trying to set timeout with prisma-labs/graphql-request. I’ve tried the way described here – https://github.com/prisma-labs/graphql-request/issues/103. const client = new GraphQLClient(config.url, { timeout: 30000, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` } }) My compiler complains as timeout is not directly present in Options interface – https://github.com/prisma-labs/graphql-request/blob/master/src/types.ts#L7. Should I need to extend the Options interface to use […]
0 In my project, I use the fresh_graphql package to refresh tokens at the GraphQLClient link level. This package adds the access token to headers, manages token storage, and handles authorization errors, after which it refreshes the tokens. I plan to create a similar link that will only add tokens to headers and handle authorization […]
0 I installed hasura CLI and I want to send data on my hasura cloud project. I tried different ways to launch hasura console but I don’t find the good way to launch it. Every time I have the same error and I don’t know how to solve it. You can see my Hasura CLI […]
1 I am not a developer and just a regular facebook user. Just now I tried to retrieve my 2 notifications in marketplace messenger and I got this error> GraphQL query is unauthorized This query is unauthorized because some field’s permission check has failed. I then tried to go to my own Facebook profile page […]
2 I keep geting this error: Error: GraphQL error: Not Authorized! Code is: const queries = gql` query { mystreak } `; render() { return ( <Query query={queries}> {({ loading, error, data }) => { console.log(loading); console.log(error); console.log(data.mystreak); }} </Query> ) } App is built in React.js, and I am pretty new to GraphQL. Also […]