0 I was able to find how to get the first N or last N elements: { allPeople(first: 2) { people { name birthYear } } } However, it is typical that some websites use www.my-site.com/people?page=3 as a bookmark to see page 3 of the results. For example, the Star War API has 82 people […]
0 I have been given a task that I have to use a query and download a pdf when I click on a button. The thing is that I’m new to graphQL and the backend guy has just sent to me this type Query{ getCollectionReportOverview(filterReportCollectionOverview:ReportCollectionOverview ): String! } input ReportCollectionOverview { collectionNumbers: [Int]! collectionNames: [String]! […]
-1 There is currently, to my knowledge, no one guide that walks through this process so I’d like to find one that can be extended upon and commented on by others who may have extra security "best practices" and the likes to contribute. node.js graphql amazon-iam aws-amplify aws-appsync Share Improve this question Follow edited Aug […]
0 I tried the sample in the book Learning GraphQL, 1st Ed, by O’Reilly: query { person(personID: 5) { name birthYear } } on https://graphql.org/swapi-graphql and was able to get back: { "data": { "person": { "name": "Leia Organa", "birthYear": "19BBY" } } } However, I tried to look for how to omit the personID […]
5 According to the this article, it’s encouraged that any production GraphQL services enable GZIP and encourage their clients to send the header: Accept-Encoding: gzip I’ve tested this in Postman, with “Accept-Encoding” enabled or disable, I didn’t see any difference in the responded “content-length”. So my question, how to enable GZIP encoding at graphQL server? […]
2 I would like to know how can I remove all items in table with Prisma2 and Jest ? I read the CRUD documentation and I try with this : user.test.js …. import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client" beforeEach(async () => { const prisma = new PrismaClient() await prisma.user.deleteMany({}) }) … But I have an […]
1 I’ve been searching for an explanation of this. The question is kind of "basic" so I was hopping to find the solution quickly, but I haven’t. I want to hide the graphical ui in production server so anyone can’t see my queries, but I can’t. I don’t have problems to figure it out how […]
0 I am working on a project currently using GrapQL. I am integrating a payment processor, when the user payment is successful, the payment processor sends a POST request to the webhook URL that is meant to point to my server. Now I was wondering how to achieve this, considering that GraphQL exposes just one […]