
  • Unknown Custom Scalars during Apollo Client GraphQL 3.0 migration

    0 I have been following this link to do an apollo client version upgrade: After completing the section to replace customTypeMapping I am now seeing the following error: Apollo: unknown custom scalar(s) in customScalarsMapping: Date,Currency,Year,Month,Percentage,MediaType,Base64 My build.gradle.kts file has been updated to contain the updated custom scalar mapping methods: mapScalar("Date", "java.time.LocalDate") mapScalar("Currency", "java.util.Currency") mapScalar("Year", […]

  • Is there a way to filter a nested value in GraphQL with a higher up value?

    0 I’m wondering if there’s a way to filter a nested section with a higher up value – see below: query readSeasons($seasonID: ID) { readSeasons(filter: { id: { eq: $seasonID } }) { nodes { id minimumGamesToRank <—– THIS playerSeasons( filter: { matchesPlayed: { gte: minimumGamesToRank } }, <—– THIS sort: { currentPosition: ASC } […]

  • Currently trying to create a graphql resolver mutation for reset Password

    0 I’m facing a unusual error while accessing the reset password button. the error: Uncaught (in promise) ApolloError: error:0200009F:rsa routines::pkcs decoding error can anyone help me with this I’m trying to set the new password when i click the reset password button I’m using typegraphql, typeorm, react reactjs typescript graphql typeorm typegraphql Share Follow asked […]

  • Mongoose not able to create a schema

    0 Everything loaded fine before I had added a new schema. This is the resolver: import { Arg, Mutation, Query, Resolver } from "type-graphql"; import { Order } from "./order.schema"; import OrderService from "./order.service"; @Resolver() export default class OrderResolver { constructor(private orderService: OrderService) { this.orderService = new OrderService(); } @Mutation(() => Order) createOrder(@Arg("input") input: any) […]

  • GraphQL Best Practise API Communication

    0 I have an .Net Application which uses a graphQL API for some business logic. The schema is really big and so are the queries. I auto generated the graphql schema into c# classes which worked really well. But my Queries are equally big and I dont know how to store or build them besides […]

  • GraphQL not showing schema and documentation NestJS

    0 I’m working on GraphQL using NestJS and I’ve not created models separately so, in short, I combine them but my GraphQL playground is not showing schemas and documentation of my queries and mutations. GraphQL Config { driver: ApolloDriver, autoSchemaFile: true, path: SERVER_PREFIX_URL, debug: true, playground: true, introspection: true, plugins: [ ApolloServerPluginQueryComplexity({ estimators: [directiveEstimator(), simpleEstimator()], […]

  • is it possible to have a single subscription waiting for data from multiple sources using graphql strawberry?

    0 I am expecting to get data from multiple sources via single subscription if the data is not available in the source yield empty response, for certain number of retries @strawberry.type class DataFromSources: source_1 : JSON source_2 : JSON @strawberry.type class Subscription: @strawberry.subscription async def data_from_sources(self, target: int = 10) -> AsyncGenerator[DataFromSources, None]: source_1, source_2 […]

  • How to do schema-stitching and introspection in new @apollo/server and graphql-tools?

    0 I’m working on a Node.js project having a main-service(A central component where various remote microservices which are exposed with respective "port/graphql" are stitched together to create a unified API endpoint. It acts as a gateway or aggregator, allowing clients to access multiple functionalities provided by different microservices through a single entry point.). Now, I […]

  • Graphql value in Twitter API

    1 What is the 6SBWVfRVIH0h71ssRzNVUg value in{"userId":"1234567","count":20,"withHighlightedLabel":false,"withTweetQuoteCount":false,"includePromotedContent":false,"withTweetResult":false,"withUserResult":false} ? Twitter now uses Graphql to retrieve the followers list, in both the Web version and the mobile api. There are no previous requests to get the 6SBWVfRVIH0h71ssRzNVUg value, and it’s not constant. It changes with every request. The problem is I can’t use the same value […]

  • SpringBoot not exposing GraphQL

    0 I have a multi-module project where one of them is the GraphQL module the Runnable File is in a different module with a working RestController the GraphQLController is not exposed. I have tried to move the to the runnable module didn’t work, tried to move the GraphQLController also didn’t work I even moved […]