
  • Account creation form for Shopify API

    0 To start I have a custom Shopify frontend that is currently utilizing the admin API to load products. I’m using a apollo/graphql backend too communicate with Shopify Admin API. I’m using shopify-api-node to facilitate the admin API queries. I recently figured out that shopify-api-node package does not support communication with the storefront API. The […]

  • Create a draft order via rest API or graphql in shopify

    0 I am developing an app for Shopify and I am new to remix. I have used shopify-app-remix. I want to create a draft order after the app is installed. I don’t know how to make an API call after the app is authenticated. I found afterAuth in the shopify.server.js file. I have tried to […]

  • GraphQL Refresh Token in Kotlin

    0 Please I need some help. I am running an Interceptor to detect if the access token is expired or not. So If expired I am trying to refresh Token otherwise I send the request. My issue that it is running the refresh token request with the token on the header and the other requests […]

  • Field true not found on type Site

    1 I’m using EntityGraphQL with an asp.netcore app that uses Entity Framework This query works { sites(filter: "id==1") { id name isActive } } But this one fails with: "Field true not found on type Site" { sites(filter: "isActive==true") { id name isActive } } The documentation says I should be able to do that, […]

  • How to efficiently paginate data in a React application using GraphQL and TypeScript?

    0 I’m building a React application with TypeScript where I fetch data from a GraphQL server. I’ve been trying to implement pagination for my data, but I’m facing some challenges in ensuring that the data is fetched efficiently and the user experience remains smooth. Current Approach: I’m using Apollo Client for fetching data. Here’s a […]

  • NestJS + Graphql generate type file into the source shcme folder, not src directionary

    0 I use NestJS with Graphql, and want to genrate type file with the schema. generate type code import { GraphQLDefinitionsFactory } from ‘@nestjs/graphql’; import { join } from ‘path’; const definitionsFactory = new GraphQLDefinitionsFactory(); definitionsFactory.generate({ typePaths: [‘./src/**/*.graphql’], path: join(process.cwd(), ‘src/**/*.ts’), outputAs: ‘class’, watch: true, emitTypenameField: true, }); above code generate graphql.ts, but i want […]

  • Can Function Middleware and HotChocolate Middleware be used together?

    0 Is it possible to use Function Middlewares and Hot Chocolate Middlewares to be used together when using Azure Functions in an isolated-process? For example: Consider Authentication middleware that is defined at a Function level via IFunctionWorkerMiddleware. When the function is triggered, the Authentication Middleware is triggered and if authentication succeeds, then passes the control […]

  • Error: No operations or fragments found to generate code for

    0 I am getting this error while using the following command: $ apollo client:codegen –localSchemaFile schema.graphql –target typescript Error – ⚠️ It looks like there are 0 files associated with this Apollo Project. This may be because you don’t have any files yet, or your incluudes/excludes fields are configured incorrectly, and Apollo can’t find your […]

  • GraphQL field level authorization and nullability

    2 We’ve implemented field level authorization in the type resolvers of our server, where a field is only returned with a value if the user has access to it, otherwise "null" is returned (with information in the extensions). The reason why we are not just returning an error (with an empty data response) is that […]

  • How to generate the GraphQL client for a secured GraphQL API?

    0 How can I generate the auth parameter using the bal graphql command? When I run bal graphql –help, I don’t see any options. Do I need to manually modify the generated code? I have generated the GraphQL client using the latest version of Ballerina and it creates a record named public type ConnectionConfig record. […]