
  • What’s the meaning of &T::operator() in function traits?

    6 // Fallback, anything with an operator() template <typename T> struct function_traits : public function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())> > { }; What does T::operator() mean here? This is code from pytorch. c++ function-object Share Improve this question Follow edited 14 hours ago Jan Schultke 14k44 gold badges4242 silver badges8383 bronze badges asked 18 hours ago ben19900305ben19900305 6333 bronze […]

  • HotChocolate UseSorting doesn’t work on computed fields

    0 I have an ItemType defined with some custom fields that are resolved with ResolveWith: public class ItemType : ObjectType<Item> { protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<FilterTreeItem> descriptor) { descriptor .Field(“fullName”) .Type<StringType>() .ResolveWith<Resolver>(r => r.GetFullName(default!)); // Other properties } private class Resolver { public async Task<string> GetFullName([Parent] Item? parent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { return quot;{parent.FirstName} {parent.LastName}”; […]

  • Unable to install express-graphql

    9 I’m trying to install express-graphql but getting this error. Please, help! npm install –save express-graphql npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm ERR! npm ERR! While resolving: [email protected] npm ERR! Found: [email protected] npm ERR! node_modules/graphql npm ERR! graphql@"^16.2.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Could not […]

  • How to login in admin-api Vendure in graphQl

    -1 I have got admin-api in my graphQl. GraphQl use Vendure data. Also when i want to write query in admin api, i have error: You are currently not authorized to perform this action" I tried to check Vendure doc about admin-api, but I’m not found information about login in it. Also i have got […]

  • Storefront API CheckoutCreate Without Adding Lines Without A VariantId

    0 We have a downstream application which manages inventory and products but we’d like to use Shopify Cart and Checkout for the functionality it has, third party apps, discount code, coupons, abandoned cart reporting and security but do not want to manage inventory or store my products on Shopify. I am using the Storefront API […]

  • How to create Resolvers for this apollo graphql server

    -1 How to Create Resolvers for Apollo GraphQL Server using the Given Output and Type Definitions { "data": { "department": [ { "id": "123", "booksubdepartment": [ { "id": "111", "departmentID": "123", "books": [ { "subdepartmentId":"111", "bookTitle": "Book One on sub department 111" }, { "subdepartmentId":"111", "bookTitle": "Book Two on sub department 111" } ] }, […]

  • How to upload with ExpediaGroup’s graphql-kotlin?

    0 There’s nothing related to file upload in the examples under I’d like to upload 5 files at once and although I think it should be a mutation I’m not sure whether it should go like this: class UploadMutation: Mutation { fun upload(files: FilePart) { print("$files") } } The context is obviously Spring Boot […]

  • hotchocolate schema stitching with another language server

    1 I have a question for a custom scalar converter and schema stitching. I want to stitch a schema from a third party Server and from my own server. But the other server uses Java and a "BigDecimal" Type. And when I load the schema in "banana cake pop" or any other UI tool (postman, […]

  • How to create a commit, on newly created empty repository using GitHub Graphql API

    0 GraphQL Query I used: mutation CreateGitProfileRepo($name: String!, $description: String!, $homepageUrl: URI!) { createRepository(input: {name: $name, visibility: PUBLIC, description: $description, homepageUrl: $homepageUrl}) { repository { ref(qualifiedName: "main") { repository { id } } } } } I’m getting ref ID as null, as it is an empty repo. Now I’m creating a commit using: mutation […]

  • Creating Github Organization using graphql

    0 I tried below code to create organization using my github account getting error mutation { createOrganization(input: { login: "besttestzzzz", admin: true }) { organization { id login } } } { "input": { "admin": [ "testgithubaccount" ], "clientMutationId": "", "login": "testgithubaccount" } } I got errors view the below image. github graphql postman github-api […]