
  • Scraping GraphQL Cloudflare protected site

    -1 I got the following website: This website makes some XHR (POST) requests to This data is retrieved properly when I navigate the webpage using a browsers. However I wish to replicate this behaviour in either Postman or Python requests (httpx) but both seem to return me a 403 Forbidden. I wrote the […]

  • NestJs GraphQL : Unable To set and Get Cookie

    0 I am working on nestJS Graphql Project , and the problem is that when i send the cookie it is not setting on client and if i manually put the cookie it cant read also , but the thing that amazing me is when i login on sever by graphql playground it is setting […]

  • Undefined return value from getStaticProps

    0 The value being returned from my getStaticProps in nextjs is undefined. I tried fetching data from a graphql endpoint and the return value was undefined when I console.log the value. This is the code block const graphQuery = new GraphQLClient(url); export const getStaticProps = async () => { const { course } = await […]

  • What is enum DataSource.Link in flutter ferry?

    0 I am looking at this code in the file operation_response.dart from ferry_exec 0.3.1 enum DataSource { /// A placeholder response source which can be used when waiting for another source None, /// Data originated from the client’s [Link] Link, /// Data originated from the [Cache] Cache, /// Data originated from a user-provided [OperationRequest.optimisticResponse] […]

  • Utilize the best advertising for your products and services!

    Good day! Did you know that it is possible to send appeal utterly legitimately? We provide a new legal method of sending letters through feedback forms. Feedback forms like these can be seen on a lot of websites. When such letters are sent, no personal data is utilized, and messages are sent to securely-designed […]

  • Misunderstanding about microservices authentication and authorization

    0 I have three graphql microservices gateway (@mercurius/gateway) user-service travels service. My thoughts for implementation. When a client (react-native app) send a request to register a user, the api gateway allows it to hit user-service without authentication. Once at the user-service, the user is created and token is issued and send back to the client. […]

  • strapi collection types in gatsby missing

    0 I have created some single types and som collection types in strapi. In my gatsby project, in the the gatsby-config.js file, I have placed the names of the single types and the collection type. collectionTypes: [‘heronodes’], singleTypes: [‘message’, ‘intro’, ‘hero’, ‘footer’], I can see all the single types in the graphql playground in gatsby, […]

  • Shopify App Image File Upload Through GraphQL API – Processing Error

    0 I’m working on a shopify app using node js and react with graphql. Here is what I’m trying to achieve, the client when using my Shopify app has a dropzone where he can upload images, I’m trying to save those images to the files in his store, I keep getting the processor error when […]

  • Knex query with .where() returns null in GraphQL

    0 I’m trying to build a simple api with knex and apollo server, which is running, but the querys with where retuns null the server import { ApolloServer } from ‘apollo-server’ import knex from ‘./knex’ import { resolvers, typeDefs } from ‘./schema’ import { UserSQLDataSource } from ‘./schema/users/datasource’ const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers, […]

  • How I can pass GraphQL header in ASP.NET Core 6?

    0 I use ASP.NET Core to consume GraphQL API and everything working fine, just I need pass the header because I need to use Arabica language and I don’t know how I can pass it. So I need to change language to "ar" when header is passing. [HttpPost] public async Task<IActionResult> Tracking(string code) { var […]