
  • Django app stopped working after installing django-graphql-auth

    -2 I was working on a Django application with GraphQL. I installed few required libraries. Everything seems to be working fine until I installed django-graphql-auth. Immediately after installing that, I’m getting below error. /Users/sukumar/IntellijProjects/venvs/plotcare_be/bin/python runserver Watching for file changes with StatReloader Exception in thread django-main-thread: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 932, […]

  • GraphQL hide certain fields from a response

    0 I am completely new to GraphQL – apologies if this is a stupid question. I have a Spring Boot application running GraphQL and have two endpoints as defined in my schema below: type Query { userById(id: ID): User getMe: User } type User { id: ID! email: String! firstName: String! lastName: String! } getMe […]

  • Contentful GraphQL endpoint: how to retrieve all entries of a content type

    3 { Post { name } } While trying to retrieve all the entries on a content type, it only gives error of: "Argument "id" of required type "String!" was not provided." Since id field is required. How do I get all entries of a content type then? Ref: graphql contentful Share Follow asked […]

  • Update Relay Store from data saved on cache for Offline mode

    0 I’m developing a React native app, and want to restore data saved on cache when the user opens the app again, but it’s offline. I was able to get the latest store by using store.getSource() and save it as a serialised JSON to the device storage. I do also recover and unserialise it, but […]

  • Linux memcpy restrict keyword syntax

    9 I know that the restrict qualifier in C specifies that the memory region pointed by two pointers should not overlap. It was my understanding that the Linux (not SUS) prototype for memcpy looks like – void* memcpy(void *restrict dest, const void *restrict src, size_t count); However, when I looked at it seems that […]

  • API Platform – GraphQL Schema mapping nullable Collection

    0 I’m pretty new to GraphQL, I’m building an API and a React App that connects to it. I need some help defining my GraphQL schema, I can’t find out what I’m doing wrong, but my GraphQL schema keeps bringing a mapped Collection as nullable… I’ve been following the official docs ( but can’t find […]

  • Does Ruby on Rails nullify session in Graphql Controller from outside domains?

    0 I have a Rails + graphql service running on a different domain, but it seems the session variable in graphql_controller.rb is nil. When I run my service locally, the session and context works as expected. Here’s an example: # in graphql controller def execute context = { session: session, test_variable: "has access" } result […]

  • GraphQL query for Sorare data

    0 I am trying to fetch data from sorare using their GraphQL API. I have managed to find the pattern to make a query as follows: import requests # Define the GraphQL query query = """ { player(slug: "nico-schlotterbeck") { firstName lastName position cardPositions id slug activeClub { name } age so5Scores(last: 5) { score […]

  • NestJS – How can dataloaders be used in combination with GraphQL Shield?

    0 I recently found that because I have asynchronous calls being made in some of my shield rules, it’s causing my dataloader batch functions to be called multiple times, when they should only be called once, which leaves me with the N+1 problem. I believe this is due to how the dataloader library requires that […]

  • GraphQL Client with ApolloBoost issues

    0 I’m trying to run a React App using ApolloClient in node.js, and I receive the following error from Chrome Inspect: invariant.ts:12 Uncaught Invariant Violation: An error occurred! For more details, see the full error text at at new InvariantError (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:76352:24) at invariant (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:76363:11) at invariant (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:9980:67) at useApolloClient (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:7980:80) at useQuery (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:8412:103) at […]