
  • Records that I query in console from Amplify Datastore are different then the ones in Amplify Content

    0 I’m new to AWS and React Native and I’m trying to create an aplication that will use AWS Datastore as database to store data. Right now i have this in my App.js import React, { useEffect } from "react" import {SafeAreaView, StyleSheet} from ‘react-native’ import Navigation from ‘./src/navigation’ import { Amplify, DataStore } from […]

  • GitHub GraphQL API Filter on custom text field in Project V2

    5 We are using GitHub Projects (Beta). I created a custom text field called oma-project. I want to use the API to filter on this field, e.g., oma-project: "P0001". This should return all issues with this value in the custom field. Looking at the Projects (beta) docs, I can list the first n issues but […]

  • How to allow Urql (typescript) to accept Vue reactive variables for queries created with graphql-codegen

    2 I’m building a Vue project with urql and graphql-codegen. Urql has the ability to take Vue reactive variables when using useQuery() to enable useQuery to be reactive and update when the variables do. But graphql-codegen is creating the type for the variables parameter to require scalars (ex. string) and so typescript is throwing an […]

  • query mongodb with express and graphql

    3 how do we use graph ql with mongo db here is my code with resolvers var resolvers = { test:()=>{ return getproducts() }, } const getproducts=()=>{ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ Product.find({}).exec() .then(resp=>{ console.log("response is ",resp); let stringData = resp.toString() resolve(stringData); }).catch(err=>{ console.log(‘error is ‘,err); reject(err); }) }) } and schema is : test:String! i am […]

  • How to retry a Spring WebSocketGraphQlClient query

    0 Using Spring Boot 3.2.4 with Spring WebFlux/GraphQL subscription via Websocket. Server A exposes a graphqlSubscription, and Server B consumes the subscription. They both use the same components (reactor/netty). Steps to Reproduce: // Client side, Initialize the webSocketGraphQlClient ReactorNettyWebSocketClient reactorNettyWebSocketClient = new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient(HttpClient.create(), build); WebSocketGraphQlClient.builder(serverUrl, reactorNettyWebSocketClient).build(); // Call sample webSocketGraphQlClient .document(query) .retrieveSubscription(path) .toEntity(XXXX.class) .retryWhen(Retry.fixedDelay(5, Duration.ofMinutes(1))).blockLast() […]

  • How can I get data from a json via GraphQL and create dynamic pages in gatsby?

    -2 its giving me error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘edges’) when I deleted edges from const {compdata} = data.allJson.edges.node; its showing same error for node. What is right way to map this and I have to create dynamic pages using same json file.Please help me for this issue. src/data/data.json { "compdata": [{ "id": […]

  • Avoiding unnecessary database calls when converting JPA Entity to DTO in Spring Boot with GraphQL

    0 I am developing an application using Spring Boot and GraphQL. When returning an Entity directly from GraphQL, data fetchers automatically handle the queries, fetching only the tables requested in the GraphQL query. For instance: query Workspace { workspace { id } } This will only query the workspace table. query Workspace { workspace { […]

  • GraphQL Apollo Server Introspection error

    0 I’ve been getting this error when I run npx diagnose-endpoint for my apollo client. **Diagnosing https://localhost:3000/api/graphql ⚠️ Introspection query could not parse "POST body missing, invalid Content-Type, or JSON object has no keys." As valid json. Here is the error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token "P", "POST body "… is not valid JSON ** I’m setting […]

  • How to log HTTP requests made by Quarkus GraphQL Client?

    0 I’m running into serious problems trying to get Quarkus to show the HTTP requests being made by the typesafe GraphQL client. The project contains an interface GraphQL client definition com.example.MyApi and I have tried the following configurations in without success: quarkus.log.category."io.smallrye.graphql".level=FINEST quarkus.log.category."io.vertx".min-level=TRACE quarkus.log.category."com.example.MyApi".level=FINEST When that failed, I downloaded Requestly and subsequently mitmproxy in […]

  • How to respond with extensions using graphql-java?

    7 My responses from GraphQL have to follow a particular format of { data:{} errors:[{}] extensions:{} } However, I am uncertain how to respond with extensions from my methods. I am using graphql-spring-boot which pulls in graphql-java, graphql-java-tools, and graphql-java-servlet. I understand that my results from a query/mutation method will be wrapped in the data […]