
  • Why state not updating from useMutation?

    0 I’m trying to update state(useState) from useMutation(Apollo Client) callbacks, but it is not updating the state. Setting it inside "error" callback. Getting error in console: Warning: Can’t perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions […]

  • Graphql federation vs schema stitching. When to pick one over the other

    3 I’m new to both concepts so excuse me if it’s opinion-based. Currently, I’m looking at Apollo Federation and schema stitching provided by the graphql-tools package, though I guess it applies to similar packages. Could something like a table be created describing certain requirements/conditions to prefer one over the other? graphql graphql-tools graphql-federation Share Improve […]

  • Keep getting Error 403 while trying to scrape GraphQL with Python

    0 I’m trying to scrape a website that uses GraphQL using requests. For that, I copied the link as cURL and used the value the create my payload, but I keep getting the following error. requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: If it helps, here is the cURL value : curl "" –compressed […]

  • Why does membersWithRoles not return all members of an organization?

    0 Using GraphQL for GitHub, I cannot get the full set of members in an organization. Using this GraphQL query, I get 45 users: query {node(id: "#@#@#$@#$##$#@") { … on Organization { membersWithRole (first: 100) { totalCount nodes { login id name createdAt, updatedAt} }}}} and same with this one: organization(login: "OrgName") { membersWithRole(first:100) { […]

  • Software Engineer-1

    -1 Getting 404 not found error for /graphql endpoint.I have added configurations related to graphql ie. schema classpath, enabled graphql. I have added the required dependencies : "spring-boot-starter-graphql" and "graphql-java-tools". I have created a controller containing the @QueryMapping for querying data . I tried updating adding @Component on my Controller (saw in a post) but […]

  • NestJS – Avoid returning user’s password

    2 I have a little problem with my project using GraphQL and Mongoose (code-first approach). I have a findCurrentUser query in my user’s resolver that returns the information about the currently authenticated user, but I don’t want to return the user’s password, how I can avoid this? User’s Resolver: @Query(() => User) @UseGuards(GqlAuthGuard) async findCurrentUser(@CurrentUser() […]

  • error TS2769: No overload matches this call, nothing works

    -1 im facing some issues with my code. Currently im doing the Catstronaut, from the (Lift-Off II) GraphQL with Apollo Tutorial. But after i wanna restart my services (dev and server) im recieving those errors: It shows some Overloads 1 of 2 below you can find the whole Error message and a code snippet from […]

  • HotChocolate configure backend property for filter criteria

    0 I have a project using HotChocolate and EFCore where I have the following entities: public class Entity { public int EntityId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string AuthorId { get; set; } } public class Author { public string AuthorId { get; set; } public string Name […]

  • Shopify GraphQL list all unique product options

    0 I need to list all unique product-options within a Shopify store using the GraphQL API. However, I’m unable to do so and can’t find the solution in the API docs. Currently, I can query all product-options in the store using GraphQL-query: query { translatableResources(first:250, resourceType:PRODUCT_OPTION) { nodes { resourceId, translatableContent { key, locale, type, […]

  • Cannot query actual values “_blank” with underscore via graphql in Strapi

    0 I create Enumeration values with underscore in Strapi, such as "_blank", "_self", and then query these values via graphql, the returned value is "blank", but if I query the value via RestApi, the returned value is "_blank". create enumeration in Strapi How can I query the actual value "_blank" via graphql in Strapi? graphql […]