
  • How to watch ts,js,graphql extensions in ts-node-dev?

    0 I am trying to run the node server by ts-node-dev and restart on any any changes in specific files. It is restarting on any changes made to ts,js files however, it is not restarting on changes to graphql files. Any suggestions? "scripts": { "start": "tsnd –transpile-only –rs ./src/microservices/index.ts –watch–extionsions ts,js,graphql" } node.js graphql ts-node […]

  • Can not acces backend in graphql spring boot application

    0 Im working on a simple coding challenge that needs to createe a graphql application and save some objects (team,players,competitions and coach). I´ve never used graphql before so iim relying on sove tutorials on the web like: and For some reason i cant acces the backend for debug: This is my schema wiith […]

  • C++20 – how can I constrain template parameter pack arguments to a “chain” sequence e.g. F, F, F?

    7 Suppose I have two classes: template <typename X, typename Y> class Functor {}; template <typename Start, typename End, typename … Functors> class Template {}; Template has the constraints: All Functors must be type Functor All Functor must be in a chain sequence, such that the first Functor must have Start as its first argument […]

  • Material UI Sortable Table not working: Error

    0 I’ve been following the Sorting & selecting section of this component. Worked great with fake data but now I’m trying to pass my real object through I’m getting an error I’m struggling to figure out (NB: I’m new to react / typescript). The Error: Argument of type ‘EventAudit[]’ is not assignable to parameter of […]

  • Graphql Subscriptions field must return Async Iterable. Received: { pubsub

    0 I’m trying go use subscriptions in graphql, but I’m receiving this weird error: subscription { notification { type message } } I’m using import { PubSub } from "graphql-subscriptions"; import { Inject } from "@nestjs/common"; import { Resolver, Subscription } from "@nestjs/graphql"; import { PubSub } from "graphql-subscriptions"; import { Notification } from "./models/notification"; […]

  • c++20 – how to constrain template parameter pack arguments to a “chain” sequence e.g. F, F, F?

    6 Supposing I have two classes: template <typename X, typename Y> class Functor {}; template <typename Start, typename End, typename … Functors> class Template {}; Template has the constraints: All Functors must be type Functor All Functor must be in a chain sequence, such that the first Functor must have Start as its first argument […]

  • GraphQL with Spring Boot Security returning 403

    0 I have been trying to implement GraphAPI methods authorization. But, always get 403. Environment: JDK 17 Spring Boot 3.1.5 MongoDB Spring Security Graph QL OS: MacOS JDK 17 My application file looks like: import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import; import; import org.springframework.context.annotation.EnableAspectJAutoProxy; @SpringBootApplication(exclude = {SecurityAutoConfiguration.class, UserDetailsServiceAutoConfiguration.class}) @EnableAspectJAutoProxy public class JoblobApplication { public static […]

  • OrchardCore 1.7.2 workflow with Angular

    0 I am using angular and orchard 1.7.2 I have some issue connecting the workflow with Angular I tried every thing and end up with create forms dynamically using GraphQL WorkFlow Http Request Event Contact Message Angular Form Role permissions Angular import { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from ‘@angular/common/http’; import { Component, OnInit } from ‘@angular/core’; […]

  • Nuxt3 config for GraphQL queries using separate *.gql files

    0 When searching for tutorials on how to perform GraphQL queries in Nuxt 3, I noticed that the query itself is always inside the component where it should be used. Wouldn’t it be much cleaner to store the queries in separate .gql files and use them in components? So far, I haven’t found a corresponding […]

  • How to design the workflow with Strapi / GraphQL / Nuxt 3 without Introspection

    0 Sorry for the silly question, I’m new to all this and this is my last resort… I haven’t received any answers on Discords and the like. I want to set up a Strapi CMS with GraphQL for a Nuxt 3 frontend. I’ve successfully hosted this on DigitalOcean – the connection is established correctly and […]