
  • How to convert JSON format of data to GraphQL query format

    6 I have a Json object and want to convert it to graphql query in order to post a request on graphql api. Can any one please provide any pointer to it as I am not able to proceed. JSON object extracted from the POJO: { “customer”: { “idFromSource”: “123”, “title”: “Mrs”, “dateOfBirth”: “1980-11-11” } […]

  • How to commit Personal Access token from github

    1 I made a test app which uses github’s graphQL api. For using this api the personal access token has been placed inside the code. Now whenever I commit the code with token, I get email from github which has title: "Action needed: GitHub access token found in commit, any app using this secret may […]

  • Is int &ref = ref; well formed

    7 I have learned that evaluating an uninitialized variable is undefined behavior. In particular, int i = i; is undefined behavior. I have read What's the behavior of an uninitialized variable used as its own initializer? But, is using a reference variable to initialize itself also undefined behavior? In particular, is int &ref = ref; […]

  • Return custom collection in graphQL with Api Platform using custom data provider

    0 I have a custom DTO class, and I want to return a collection of that using graphQL. With REST it works fine. I’m using Api Platform 2.6 and PHP 8.2 There is my DTO class : <?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace AppDto; use ApiPlatformCoreAnnotationApiProperty; use ApiPlatformCoreAnnotationApiResource; #[ApiResource( collectionOperations: [ ‘get’ => [ ‘method’ => ‘GET’, ‘path’ […]

  • Shopify GraphQL : How To Know Sales Channels ID And Mutaion To Add A New Prodcut

    0 I want to create prodcut with sales channel ID using Python and GraphQL API on Shopify. sales channel example But I don’t know how to know sales channel ID for first. So, please tell me how to get to know sales channel ID using GQL query and then if possible,  tell me how to […]

  • Mutation validation ids in input for entities from another service. GraphQL Apollo Federation

    0 I need to validate ids from mutation There’s example type Query @extends{ calendars( users: [Int] resources: [Int] workgraph_types: [Int] provide_services: Boolean date_from: String date_to: String paging: PagingInput ): CalendarList! @verifyResource } Need to validate ids for resources. I have resource in another microservice. I need to check that resource exists in another microservice. I […]

  • graphene-django updated now receiving error (reading ‘SubscriptionClient’)

    0 I have a app who use graphql so far i was with those requirements : aniso8601==7.0.0 asgiref==3.4.1 attrs==22.1.0 boto3==1.26.13 botocore==1.29.91 certifi==2021.10.8 cffi==1.15.0 charset-normalizer==2.0.7 coreschema==0.0.4 cryptography==3.4.7 defusedxml==0.7.1 Django==3.2.8 django-classy-tags==3.0.1 django-cors-headers==3.10.0 django-graphiql==0.4.4 django-graphql-jwt==0.3.4 django-health-check==3.17.0 django-model-utils==4.2.0 django-sekizai==3.0.1 django-storages==1.13.1 docutils==0.18 exceptiongroup==1.0.1 graphene==2.1.9 graphene-django==2.15.0 graphql-core==2.3.2 graphql-relay==2.0.1 httpie==2.6.0 idna==3.3 iniconfig==1.1.1 itypes==1.2.0 Jinja2==3.0.2 jmespath==0.10.0 JSON-log-formatter==0.5.2 MarkupSafe==2.0.1 packaging==21.3 pluggy==1.0.0 promise==2.3 psycopg2-binary==2.9.3 pycparser==2.21 […]

  • Not able to access .env variables in NextJS GraphQL

    0 First of all, let me tell you all that I have tried all the stack overflow solutions but none are working in my case, I’m using the new version of NextJS (version 14), so I’m posting this question after going through all of the old questions so don’t marks this as duplicate. Okay coming […]

  • Capital Business Funding

    Hello, We provide funding through our venture capital company to both start-up and existing companies either looking for funding for expansion or to accelerate growth in their company. We have a structured joint venture investment plan in which we are interested in an annual return on investment not more than 10% ROI. We are also […]

  • How do I make GraphQL API requests using fwconsole in FreePBX?

    0 FreePBX has a GraphQL API which allows us to make requests such as the ones documented here. I would like to use the fwconsole api command to make these API requests at the command line. There’s no documentation for how to do this – the only forum post I could find was someone asking […]