
  • How can I use my query from graphQL and get pdf downloaded?

    -1 My task is to use a query, send the mandatory variables and get a pdf from the BE. Right now, I have the code but I can’t get the pdf downloaded. In the network tab I can see my request but nothing in the response. This is the request: query getCollectionReportOverview( $filterReportCollectionOverview: ReportCollectionOverviewInput! ) […]

  • GraphQL query: how to map a list of ids to the corresponding entities?

    0 I am working with Contentful CMS GraphQL API. I have a field that contains a list of id’s: I’d like to retrieve the entities corresponding to those id’s. I can do it with a second query: But I’d like to do it on the fly, in the first query. I suppose some code should […]

  • GraphQL schema for DynamoDB

    0 I’m using DynamoDB and want to create a database with GraphQL API. How do I have to define my schema so my partition key is userID and my sort key is MMYY. Every userID has a lot of MMYY, and every MMYY has entries which are just some data. I want all of these […]

  • When is it ok to be !ok() with C++20 chrono dates?

    10 The <chrono> library allows dates to silently fall into a state of !ok(). For example: #include <chrono> #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace std; using namespace chrono; auto date = 2023y/October/31; cout << date.ok() << ‘n’; date += months{1}; cout << date.ok() << ‘n’; } Output: 1 0 Demo. I get that Oct […]

  • Why is my GQL function getting called repeatedly? [closed]

    0 Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 hour ago. Improve this question I am now using React and Apollo […]

  • Next.js Vercel deployment doesn’t run codegen command

    0 I created a React Next.js project with Typescript on pnpm and using graphql-codegen/typescript to create types. On vercel build, I get module not found error for import of generated types with codegen. On development server I generate types with ‘pnpm gen’ command manually from terminal. Probably while next build on vercel, it doesn’t run […]

  • How can I use this graphQL DTO in my react app?

    0 I have been given a task that I have to use a query and download a pdf when I click on a button. The thing is that I’m new to graphQL and the backend guy has just sent to me this type Query{ getCollectionReportOverview(filterReportCollectionOverview:ReportCollectionOverview ): String! } input ReportCollectionOverview { collectionNumbers: [Int]! collectionNames: [String]! […]

  • How to do the simplest pagination in GraphQL? (using Star War API)

    0 I was able to find how to get the first N or last N elements: { allPeople(first: 2) { people { name birthYear } } } However, it is typical that some websites use as a bookmark to see page 3 of the results. For example, the Star War API has 82 people […]

  • How can I use this grapql DTO n my react app?

    0 I have been given a task that I have to use a query and download a pdf when I click on a button. The thing is that I’m new to graphQL and the backend guy has just sent to me this type Query{ getCollectionReportOverview(filterReportCollectionOverview:ReportCollectionOverview ): String! } input ReportCollectionOverview { collectionNumbers: [Int]! collectionNames: [String]! […]

  • Looking for a guide to access AWS Appsync Graphql api from NodeJS app via http request

    -1 There is currently, to my knowledge, no one guide that walks through this process so I’d like to find one that can be extended upon and commented on by others who may have extra security "best practices" and the likes to contribute. node.js graphql amazon-iam aws-amplify aws-appsync Share Improve this question Follow edited Aug […]