
  • Why is b.pop(0) over 200 times slower than del b[0] for bytearray?

    24 Letting them compete three times (a million pops/dels each time): from timeit import timeit for _ in range(3): t1 = timeit(‘b.pop(0)’, ‘b = bytearray(1000000)’) t2 = timeit(‘del b[0]’, ‘b = bytearray(1000000)’) print(t1 / t2) Time ratios (Try it online!): 274.6037053753368 219.38099365582403 252.08691226683823 Why is pop that much slower at doing the same thing? python […]

  • Historic timezone offsets in newer JDK versions

    11 I found a weird java discrepancy while testing some timezones with the use of ZonedDateTime. I was trying to parse a date before 1970 and saw that the result changes between java versions. The offset for Netherlands in 1932 is +00:19. Does anyone know why this happens? I feel this might be related with […]

  • EAS Build iOS Failure: Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed

    14 I’m using EAS to build my Expo app, and today I started getting this error when attempting to run an iOS build, either local or on EAS servers. I’m thinking it’s an issue with Apple servers, so I’m hoping it gets fixed soon. Output from build command: тЬФ Select platform тА║ iOS тЬФ Using […]

  • Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? – Asynchronous code reference

    908 Given the following examples, why is outerScopeVar undefined in all cases? var outerScopeVar; var img = document.createElement(‘img’); img.onload = function() { outerScopeVar = this.width; }; img.src = ‘lolcat.png’; alert(outerScopeVar); var outerScopeVar; setTimeout(function() { outerScopeVar = ‘Hello Asynchronous World!’; }, 0); alert(outerScopeVar); // Example using some jQuery var outerScopeVar; $.post(‘loldog’, function(response) { outerScopeVar = response; […]

  • Nodemon Error: “System limit for number of file watchers reached”

    227 I’m learning GraphQL and am using prisma-binding for GraphQL operations. I’m facing this nodemon error while I’m starting my Node.js server and its giving me the path of schema file which is auto generated by a graphql-cli. What is this error all about? Error: Internal watch failed: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file […]

  • When and How to use GraphQL with microservice architecture

    263 I’m trying to understand where GraphQL is most suitable to use within a microservice architecture. There is some debate about having only 1 GraphQL schema that works as API Gateway proxying the request to the targeted microservices and coercing their response. Microservices still would use REST / Thrift protocol for communication though. Another approach […]

  • What is an exclamation point in GraphQL?

    127 In a schema file that I have I noticed there are exclamation marks after some types, like # Information on an account relationship type AccountEdge { cursor: String! node: Account! } What do these mean? I can’t find anything about it in the documentation or through googling ? graphql Share Improve this question Follow […]

  • GraphQL Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field xxx.yyy

    93 I’m currently trying GraphQL with NodeJS and I don’t know, why this error occurs with the following query: { library{ name, user { name email } } } I am not sure if the type of my resolveLibrary is right, because at any example I had a look at they used new GraphQL.GraphQLList(), but […]

  • How to query all the GraphQL type fields without writing a long query?

    316 Assume you have a GraphQL type and it includes many fields. How to query all the fields without writing down a long query that includes the names of all the fields? For example, If I have these fields : public function fields() { return [ ‘id’ => [ ‘type’ => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), ‘description’ => ‘The […]

  • Get GraphQL whole schema query

    116 I want to get the schema from the server. I can get all entities with the types but I’m unable to get the properties. Getting all types: query { __schema { queryType { fields { name type { kind ofType { kind name } } } } } } How to get the properties […]