Apollo server return protected field when performing login mutation

Apollo server return protected field when performing login mutation


I have a problem with returning protected fields from PersonType in the login mutation.
The idea is to set the cookie or session, and then return the user with some protected fields.


  const server = new ApolloServer({
    context: async ({ req, res }: { req: Request; res: Response }) => {
      const person = await authenticatePerson(req); //Get user from session or auth header

      return {


loginCms: {
    type: PersonType,
    args: { data: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(LoginCmsInput) } },
    resolve: async (_, args) => {
      try {
        const personExists = await prisma.person.findUnique({
          where: {
            email: args.data.email,
        //... Other checks
        req.session.user = {
          id: personExists.id.toString(),
          personRoleSubjectId: personExists.PersonRoleSubject[0].id.toString(),
        if (args.data.remember) {
          //14 Days
          req.session.cookie.maxAge = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14;

        return person;
      } catch (error) {
        throw handleCatchError(error);


 activePersonRoleSubject: {
        type: PersonRoleSubjectType,
        resolve: async (parent, args, { person }) => {
          try {
          //Person is null because the context already resolved before the the login resolver got called, and I cannot update context
            console.log("PERSON", person);
            if (!person?.id) {
              return null;
            if (parent.id === person.id) {
              return person.PersonRoleSubject;
            return null;
          } catch (error) {
            throw handleCatchError(error);

This works when session and cookies are already set, but it doesnt work on the first login call.

There are two solutions that I can think of:

  • Return a boolean on successful login, and then fire another query (currentPerson) to return the person with protected fields. This would work but it requires two api calls for every login.

  • Return non-protected fields on login, and then query protected fields. Still requires two api calls

Are there any better solutions to this?

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