Tag: shopify
Correct way to request publications
0 So I am currently trying to get all publication channels I can publish products at and am a bit confused… The channels query is depricated: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2023-07/queries/channels The publications query should be fine as of the documentation: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2023-07/queries/publications But if I exec the query, i get a deprication error: // Query: query publications { publications(first:…
Graphql Shopify | Query articles with its metafields
1 Has anyone done a query for Articles that have metafields? I can query the articles with its title, otherfields etc, but by default Shopify won’t return the articles metafields in this call. These metafields for these articles have been created by an app. My first goal would be trying to call all articles and…
Shopify API – Set different prices for foreign currencies to specific VariantID
0 I need to send API call to set different prices for each currency to specific VariantID. The shop is set to base on GBP. Somehow I need pass the prices for each currencies for specific VariantID I can see in shopify settings -> markets -> EU -> there is an pricelist for EUR, I…
How to check active Shopify stores subscriptions using GraphQL and API?
0 I have a Shopify application that is installed on multiple Shopify stores, and I need to programmatically check which stores have an active subscription plan using the Shopify API and GraphQL. I want to perform the following tasks: Retrieve a list of all the Shopify stores that have installed my application. For each store…
Can I define a named query within the Shopify Graphiql app then call it from my PHP app?
0 In standard SQL, you can define stored procedures within the database admin, then call those procedures from your own app. At first sight Shopify GraphQL named queries are something very similar. I know how to define and run a named query within the Shopify Graphiql app, and also how to define and run a…
Shopify Image Uploads failing using GraphQL API
0 I’m rewriting a script to upload large batches of images to Shopify using the GraphQL API. I keep running into two issues, the first is images that upload successfully do not process properly. The second issue is I hit the rate limit and the script breaks out of the loop despite having exponential rate…
Working Shopify GraphQL API for automating photo uploads, but I keep running into a string formatting error
0 I’ve tried adjusting the formatting to work but I keep running into the same error regardless of the changes. I’m new to GraphQL and Shopify so I’m a little stumped. The goal I’m trying to achieve is automating uploading some where around 2000 photos to a shopify store, and doing so based on a…
Shopify GraphQL Mutation Doesn’t Work In CURL Or Postman But Does With GraphiQL App
0 When I’m using the following mutation in GraphiQL App it works perfectly but when I run it using Postman or CURL it just doesn’t work. This issue is happening for Function related mutations only. The Mutation: mutation { discountAutomaticAppCreate( automaticAppDiscount: { title: "Volume Discount Created from APP 011", functionId: "9d8aas8-78asd-8d7sa-86f0-dg789asdfa9sd", startsAt: "2023-09-19T00:00:00"} ) {…
Account creation form for Shopify API
0 To start I have a custom Shopify frontend that is currently utilizing the admin API to load products. I’m using a apollo/graphql backend too communicate with Shopify Admin API. I’m using shopify-api-node to facilitate the admin API queries. I recently figured out that shopify-api-node package does not support communication with the storefront API. The…