Tag: shopify-api
How to check active Shopify stores subscriptions using GraphQL and API?
0 I have a Shopify application that is installed on multiple Shopify stores, and I need to programmatically check which stores have an active subscription plan using the Shopify API and GraphQL. I want to perform the following tasks: Retrieve a list of all the Shopify stores that have installed my application. For each store…
Shopify Image Uploads failing using GraphQL API
0 I’m rewriting a script to upload large batches of images to Shopify using the GraphQL API. I keep running into two issues, the first is images that upload successfully do not process properly. The second issue is I hit the rate limit and the script breaks out of the loop despite having exponential rate…
Working Shopify GraphQL API for automating photo uploads, but I keep running into a string formatting error
0 I’ve tried adjusting the formatting to work but I keep running into the same error regardless of the changes. I’m new to GraphQL and Shopify so I’m a little stumped. The goal I’m trying to achieve is automating uploading some where around 2000 photos to a shopify store, and doing so based on a…
Curl graphql query to insert with html character
0 I need insert in Shopify from CURL with graphql a html traslation but not accept "<" character I try with < < but nothing.. {"query": "mutation CreateTranslation($id: ID!, $translations: [TranslationInput!]!) { translationsRegister(resourceId: $id, translations: $translations) { userErrors {message field} translations {key value locale} } }","variables": {"id": "gid://shopify/Product/myid","translations": [{"key": "body_html","value": "<p>La Camicia da Uomo in…
Discount Codes By A Customer ID Or Email using Graphql
0 I am trying to select discount codes assigned to a logged-in user using admin graphql API. I am able to select all discount codes but I am not able to filter them by customer ID or customer email address. Here is my GQL. Can you guide me on how can limit the results to…
inventory_policy Parameter Is Ignored In Shopify GraphQL Query
0 I am running a query to Shopify’s GraphQL, looking for all variants that have 0 or less in stock and have CONTINUE as its inventory policy. { productVariants( first: 100 query: "inventory_policy:CONTINUE AND inventory_quantity:<=0" ) { nodes { inventoryPolicy product { title } title } } } The query is tested and works in…
Shopify App Image File Upload Through GraphQL API – Processing Error
0 I’m working on a shopify app using node js and react with graphql. Here is what I’m trying to achieve, the client when using my Shopify app has a dropzone where he can upload images, I’m trying to save those images to the files in his store, I keep getting the processor error when…