Tag: .net
Streaming data using HotChocolate GraphQl for .NET project – all results at once instead of one by one problem
2 I’m using C#, .NET7 minimal API and HotChocolate GraphQl. I’m trying to setup graphQl simple query endpoint which will be able to return stream like this: public async IAsyncEnumerable<string> GetDummyNumbers() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); yield return i.ToString(); } } It works as is but even…
Cannot access to a disposed context instance
0 I’m using dotnet 6 with GraphQL 7. I’m having some issues only in one Field. The error appears only when the app is deployed in the cluster (kubernetes), but never in local. So it seems like the Dependency Injection is not working properly, here is the code of the query: public class UserModulesProgressField :…