Tag: apollo-server
How to apply alias in @key field in apollo federation
0 type oPlayer @key(fields: "id") @key(fields: "name"){ id:ID name: String } extend type oPlayer @key(fields: "name") @key(fields: "PlayerId") { name: String @external PlayerId: ID @external } I am tring to resolve that field using PlayerId field with id but I am not able get data in referance resolver How to provide alias to "PlayerId:id" so…
Apollo-server hide graphql ui in production
1 I’ve been searching for an explanation of this. The question is kind of "basic" so I was hopping to find the solution quickly, but I haven’t. I want to hide the graphical ui in production server so anyone can’t see my queries, but I can’t. I don’t have problems to figure it out how…
How to accept POST request from a remote server on a GraphQL Server
0 I am working on a project currently using GrapQL. I am integrating a payment processor, when the user payment is successful, the payment processor sends a POST request to the webhook URL that is meant to point to my server. Now I was wondering how to achieve this, considering that GraphQL exposes just one…
Can’t consume context in my mutation resolver, request object passed instead Apollo Server v4
0 I am trying to pass the pubsub to resolvers. I am able to pass pubsub to subscription ‘subscribe’ functions via the useServer function, and as far as I can tell from research the expressMiddleware context should be passed to all resolvers, but when logging it out I’m just getting the request object. index.ts const…
Regarding dynamic field selection in apollo-server
0 I’m using apollo GraphQL for backend and frontend. I want to dynamically select fields which are requested by the client. With the help of info argument I created a function which gives me selected fields by client and based on that I fetch selected fields from db. Resolver selection.fields = .extractSelection(info?.fieldNodes[0]?.selectionSet) function implementation .extractSelection…
How To Config Apollo Sandbox for GraphQL in NestJS?
1 I am trying to use Apollo Sandbox for GraphQL in NestJs since I had to upgrade to apollo/server from apollo-server-express. I added the configuration like described in the NestJS docs. I also checked the Apollo Docs. My setup is now like described here. Here is what I use: "@apollo/server": "^4.7.3", "@apollo/server-plugin-landing-page-graphql-playground": "^4.0.1", "@nestjs/apollo": "^11.0.6",…
Regarding dynamic field selection in apollo srever
0 i am using apollo GraphQL for backend and frontend . i want to do dynamic selection of fields which is selected by client . so with the help of info argument i get i created a function which give me selected fields by client based on that i fetched selected fields from db. here…
With Apollo Graphql, is it the same having a field as null and not sending it?
0 I am implementing a React Typescript app that communicates to a Kotlin backend using GraphQL (Apollo on the Frontend). My mutation is : updateProfile(input: UpdateProfileInput) input UpdateProfileInput { firstName: String lastName: String email: String } I am supposed to send as an input only the fields that have been changed. So I should not…
Can’t use extensions with GraphQLError
3 From the Apollo Graphql document, this way can define extension error: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/data/errors/ import { GraphQLError } from ‘graphql’; throw new GraphQLError(‘the error message’, extensions: { code: ‘SOMETHING_BAD_HAPPENED’, https: { status: 404, headers: new Map([ [‘some-header’, ‘it was bad’], [‘another-header’, ‘seriously’], ]), }, }, ); But in my case it got this error: Argument of…
Apollo GraphQL: dynamically caching a schema type, not the entire resolver
0 I would like to use dynamic cache. I was able to set the cache maxAge into the query resolver, but since the resolver can return both an unsuccessful and a successful response I would like to only cache the successful one. In order to do this I would like to set up the info…