Side by Side: Building the Same App with REST and GraphQL

Side by Side Building the Same App with REST and GraphQL

Side by Side: Building the Same App with REST and GraphQL

Chapter 1: Unearthing the Respective Propositions of Web APIs: A Comparative View on RESTful and GraphQL

The internet architecture landscape has been subjected to substantial alterations, chiefly with the advent and subsequent adaptation of APIs. These formidable transformations integrate two pivotal approaches, namely, RESTful and GraphQL. While each has its unique portfolio of merits and constraints, they shine as modern-day software development methodologies. This introductory chapter delves into these cutting-edge technologies, laying the groundwork for a comprehensive juxtaposition.

In the world of application-oriented networking paradigms, RESTful or Representational State Transfer is a name that holds repute. Let’s acknowledge Roy Fielding, whose doctoral thesis back in 2000 served as the birthplace of this concept. It provides a segmented template introducing a systematic approach for building applications that reap the benefits of network capabilities. At its core, RESTful revolves around a precise client-server model where a client kick-starts a request which is then subject to a server return.

Let’s take a glimpse at a typical request scenario in a RESTful application:

GET /clients/123 HTTP/1.1

In this framework, the client requests details regarding the client with ID ‘123’ by deploying the GET method, targeting the server at

In a contrastive context, GraphQL emerged from the tech corridors of Facebook in 2012, and by 2015, it had opened its doors to the open-source community. It doubles up to serve dual purposes – as an articulate interface for querying APIs and as an executor for these queries against a pre-set dataset. What makes GraphQL prominently distinctive is its knack for fusing data, bestowing upon clients the prerogative to dictate the configuration of the response data. This remarkable feature assigns the server a stringent task to deliver responses tailor-fit to the client’s requirements.

Take a look at this rudimentary exemplification of a GraphQL query:

  client (id: 123){

This tailored request hunts for specific datapoints like the full name and related email of a client bearing the ID ‘123’. And it guarantees no excess baggage of information.

Clings to traditional HTTP techniques (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)Functions with a single endpoint integrated with HTTP POST
Vulnerable to plenitude or lack of data retrievalEnsures procurement of data as dictated by client
Mandates multiple requests for thorough data amalgamationSimplifies complete data pullout with a single request
Stateless and treats each request in isolationRelies on its query dialect for intricate queries and layering

RESTful and GraphQL, despite their shared objective of fostering sturdy APIs, stand apart owing to their individual strengths and inherent limitations. RESTful may be user-friendly and adhere rigidly to the HTTP paradigm, but runs the risk of data under-provision or over-provision. GraphQL, on the other hand, offers a versatile and efficient data pullout mechanism, although its complexity might dampen the learning curve for new adopters.

In the following chapters, we shall delve further into these technologies, crafting mirror-image applications using both RESTful and GraphQL to discern their operational parallels and contrasts. Such immersive encounter ensures an informed choice for your future projects.

Chapter 2: Crafting Foundations: Elucidation of REST and GraphQL Frameworks

Prior to diving into the nitty-gritty of designing an application utilizing both REST and GraphQL, gaining a thorough comprehension of their fundamental elements takes precedence. This chapter will unveil an all-inclusive sketch of REST and GraphQL, accentuating their pivotal aspects and functionality.

Deciphering Representational State Transfer (REST)

REST is a blueprint contrived for structuring connected applications. It harnesses a stateless mode of discourse between client and server, wherein each client’s appeal to the server should carry sufficient data for comprehension and execution. Below, we unpack REST’s key facets:

  1. Entities: In REST, data along with functionalities are regarded as entities that are tapped via Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), commonly represented as web links.
  2. HTTP Protocols: REST employs conventional HTTP protocols including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and so forth, to orchestrate actions on these entities.
  3. Stateless Nature: Each appeal from the client to the server ought to bear complete information necessary for comprehension and execution of the appeal. The server mustn’t retain details about the client’s recent HTTP appeal; instead, handle each appeal as a unique event, utterly autonomous of other all appeals.
  4. Caching Potential: REST approves responses cacheability to enhance performance. The server clearly tags responses as cacheable or non-cacheable to avert clients from reusing out-of-date or unsuitable data in forthcoming appeals.

Consider this basic instance of a RESTful appeal:

GET /users/123

This request employs the GET protocol to fetch the user bearing the ID of 123.

Understanding GraphQL

Conversely, GraphQL is a query dialect for APIs, paired with a runtime for running those queries with existing data. It offers a potent and productive replacement to REST and carries considerable perks. Presented here are GraphQL’s focal elements:

  1. Schema: The schema within GraphQL serves as the core. It enlightens the potential data types, their relationships, and the achievable operations.
  2. Queries: The clients ascertain precisely the data they necessitate by forwarding queries to the server. In return, the server replies with JSON objects, mirroring the structure of the request.
  3. Resolvers: These functions are employed by the GraphQL server to retrieve the precise data requested via queries. Each schema-field is paired with a corresponding resolver.
  4. Mutations: These operations trigger changes in the server’s data (akin to POST, PUT, DELETE in REST). Following exactly the same syntactic structure as queries, yet the keyword “mutation” always initiates them.

Examine this simple instance of a GraphQL query:

  user(id: "123") {

This query fetches the name and email of the user with the ID of 123.

Comparative Chart: REST vs. GraphQL

Fetching DataNumerous EndpointsSingular Endpoint
EfficiencyDependent on request volumeSuperior with intricate queries
Error RectificationHTTP Status CodesGraphQL Error Messages
Necessity for API VersioningOften imperativeNot obligatory

In the impending chapters, we’ll employ a hands-on method to comprehend the use of these foundational segments in the construction of an application using REST and GraphQL. Together, we’ll scrutinize the merits and demerits linked with both technologies, placing them in juxtaposition.In this segment, we will delve into the practical facets of crafting a piece of software with the assistance of REST (Representational State Transfer), which is a preferred format for coders due to its straightforward application, scalability, and server independence.

We’ll demonstrate this by assembling an uncomplicated application that fetches and showcases a roster of users derived from a data storage system. To do this, we will need to establish a server base, design access points, and apply specific operations, like creating, reading, updating, and deleting data (CRUD).

1. Provisioning a Server Base

Our first task in configuring our application based on RESTful practices is readying a server base. We are going to employ Node.js alongside Express.js, a lightweight, flexible web architecture built for Node.js. Here’s a glimpse at the foundational setup:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server active at https://localhost:${port}`);

2. Blueprinting Access Points

Within a REST-style API, access points or URLs determine the constitution of the API and the way users can interact with and obtain data from our server. Every access point is linked to a specific URL and HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). Our user application, for example, may have access points like so:

  • GET /users: Withdraw a roster of users
  • GET /users/:id: Withdraw a particular user
  • POST /users: Establish a new user
  • PUT /users/:id: Modify a user
  • DELETE /users/:id: Eradicate a user
  • Applying CRUD Mechanisms

With our access points ready, we can now apply CRUD mechanisms into our user-based application. For a simple approach, we will employ a basic array to emulate a data storage system.

let users = []; // Our simulated "data storage"

// Pull all users
app.get('/users', (req, res) => {

// Pull a specific user
app.get('/users/:id', (req, res) => {
  const user = users.find(u => ===;

// Establish a new user'/users', (req, res) => {

// Modify a user
app.put('/users/:id', (req, res) => {
  const index = users.findIndex(u => ===;
  users[index] = req.body;

// Eradicate a user
app.delete('/users/:id', (req, res) => {
  users = users.filter(u => !==;

This sample provides a basic view of a RESTful API achieved through Node.js and Express.js. In a real-life scenario, generally, we use a proper data storage system to store data and have a more sophisticated error management system.

In the next segment, our focus will shift towards re-creating the same application using GraphQL, and juxtaposing both methods.

Chapter 4: Juxtaposing Development: Recreating a REST App Using GraphQL

In the chapter prior, we embarked on creating an app utilizing RESTful APIs. Now, allow us to switch gears, and recreate that app using a different technology, specifically GraphQL. This comparison should illustrate the varying aspects of these technologies, lending insight into their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Let’s kick things off by constructing our GraphQL server. For this purpose, Apollo Server becomes our tool of choice. Being an open-sourced, community-backed GraphQL server, it’s capable of seamless interaction with any GraphQL schema. Follow the steps below:

const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server');

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    "Getting started is simple!"
    salutation: String

const resolverMap = {
  Query: {
    salutation: () => 'Greetings, universe!',

const server = new ApolloServer({

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`🚀 Server started at ${url}`);

In the code excerpt above, the “Greetings, universe!” GraphQL server is sketched out. The variable typeDefs is a GraphQL SDL (Schema Definition Language) string, outlining the structure of our API. The resolverMap object maps how to access data for the defined type.

Our adventure now proceeds to recreate the REST-built app utilizing GraphQL. The chosen application is a basic blog app that enables users to peruse posts and commentary.

Our first step involves declaring our GraphQL schema:

type BlogPost {
  id: ID!
  headline: String!
  content: String!
  feedback: [Response!]!

type Response {
  id: ID!
  content: String!
  blogPost: BlogPost!

type Query {
  blogPosts: [BlogPost!]!
  blogPost(id: ID!): BlogPost
  responses: [Response!]!
  response(id: ID!): Response

In the schema framed above, BlogPost and Response are two defined types amongst four queries. The blogPosts and responses queries denote a selection of various posts and responses, respectively. The blogPost and response queries elucidate an individual post or response via its ID.

Subsequently, we’ll have to denote our resolver map:

const resolverMap = {
  Query: {
    blogPosts: () => fetchAllPosts(),
    blogPost: (_, { id }) => retrievePostById(id),
    responses: () => fetchAllResponses(),
    response: (_, { id }) => retrieveResponseById(id),
  BlogPost: {
    feedback: (blogPost) => fetchResponsesByPostId(,
  Response: {
    blogPost: (response) => retrievePostById(response.blogPostId),

The resolver map denotes the mechanism to retrieve data for every field within our schema. It’s assumed that the fetchAllPostsretrievePostByIdfetchAllResponsesretrieveResponseById, and fetchResponsesByPostIdfunctions liaise with the database to return the requested data.

A notable variance between REST and GraphQL attributes to the data retrieval process. While the REST approach calls for multiple requests to disparate endpoints to access a post and its responses, GraphQL accomplishes this within a single request:

query {
  blogPost(id: "1") {
    feedback {

In the query above, a post and its associated responses are fetched using the post’s ID, all in one request.

To summarize, the development journey using GraphQL diverges from REST in numerous ways. GraphQL prescribes a streamlined, adaptive route to data retrieval, allowing for precise definition of required data, potentially reducing server hits and superfluous data accessing. This efficiency can positively influence performance and user engagement. However, GraphQL demands a rethink in data theory and may be more intricate to configure and comprehend when compared to REST.

In the forthcoming chapter, a side-by-side comparison of REST and GraphQL will be conducted to further illustrate their unique traits and shared attributes.

Chapter 5: Comparative Insights: Examining REST and GraphQL

In fidelity to the spirit of in-depth exploration, we shall conduct a study that critically examines REST and GraphQL, two of the most recognized design architectures for APIs within the software development sphere. We explore them in close proximity to each other, evaluating their advantages, areas of improvement, and applications best suited to them. 

Beginning our exploration, let’s scrutinize the key properties of REST and GraphQL:

Retrieving DataMultiple passagesSingular passage
Data Over-fetching/Under-fetchingProbability existsPrevented
Data Structure ChangesGenerally, requires versioningEliminates the need for versioning
Error SignalingVia HTTP status indicatorsPresented in JSON format
Familiarity RequiredLess challengingMore challenging
Unpacking these properties further:

1. Retrieving Data: Within the REST framework, multiple endpoints perform data acquisition. Each endpoint mirrors a discrete data unit. In contrast, GraphQL capitalizes on a unique endpoint for obtaining data. This unique conduit accommodates intricate queries, providing exactly what the client requests.

GET /users/123
GET /users/123/posts

// GraphQL
  user(id: 123) {
    posts {

2. Data Over-fetching/Under-fetching: Over-fetching refers to instances where a client procures information exceeding what is required. Conversely, under-fetching occurs when multiple requests are needed to acquire requisite data. REST proves susceptible to both. In contrast, GraphQL mitigates them by empowering the client to stipulate the precise data requirement.

3. Data Structure Changes: REST often necessitates versioning in response to alterations in the data makeup, signaling the creation of new endpoints per change made. Conversely, GraphQL obviates the need for versioning by granting the client the autonomy to demand the exact data needed.

4. Error Signaling: REST leverages HTTP status codes as indicators of request status. Conversely, GraphQL unyieldingly communicates a 200 OK status. It instead conveys errors in the body of the response message formatted in JSON.

5. Familiarity Required: The clustering of REST at a lower complexity level being more mature and simpler, results in a less steep learning hill to climb. GraphQL, being budding and more entangled, requires surmounting a steeper learning hill. Nonetheless, the increased flexibility and effectualness of GraphQL often offset the steeper learning pitch. 

In the dichotomy of performance, GraphQL outcompetes REST due to its capacity to obtain precisely what the client requires through a sole request. On the other hand, the minimalistic design and substantial acceptance of REST render it an optimal choice for simpler applications or where retrogressive compatibility is paramount.

Speaking to their securability, both REST and GraphQL expose respective susceptibilities. While REST APIs are susceptible to assaults like SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), GraphQL APIs are vulnerable to respective Batch Attacks and Depth Attacks. With the appropriate protective measures, however, both can be effectively shielded against such attacks.

To encapsulate, the verdict between REST and GraphQL hinges considerably on the requisites unique to your application. If you’d benefit from a straightforward, widely-backed API for a small-scale application, REST potentially holds the golden ticket. However, for a more multifaceted application needing an accommodating, efficient API, GraphQL is arguably your knight in shining armor.

Chapter 6: Boosting Efficiency: The Transition from REST to GraphQL

Previous sections have illustrated the process of animating an identical application using both REST and GraphQL. Now we scrutinize methods to enhance efficiency by migrating from REST to GraphQL. 

1. Reducing Redundant Data

Undeniably, GraphQL holds an upper hand over REST due to its capability to slash redundant data. Often, with REST, you’re forced to send numerous requests to different endpoints to acquire each nugget of information you need (a phenomenon known as under-fetching) or face surplus data that isn’t required (over-fetching).

However, GraphQL empowers you to assert exactly what you need, drastically clipping the amount of data relayed across the internet and bolstering your application’s performance.

Consider this example of fetching specific data with GraphQL:

  user(id: 1) {

In this inquiry, we are only seeking the user’s name and email – curtailing data redundancy and dodging unnecessary requests.

2. Blending and Caching

GraphQL provides inherent capabilities for blending and caching, thereby enhancing your application’s performance.

Blending allows you to amalgamate multiple data fetch requests into one, thereby cutting down server strain and heightening app performance.

Caching retains results from past queries in a storage area for future utilization. This majorly trims down the volume of data sent across the web, boosting application performance. 

Note this example of utilizing blending and caching with GraphQL:

const consolidatedQueries = [
    query: `
        user(id: 1) {
    query: `
        post(id: 1) {

const cacheStorage = new InMemoryCache();

const client = new ApolloClient({
  uri: '',
  cache: cacheStorage,

client.batchQuery(consolidatedQueries).then((response) => {

Here, we blend two queries and employ an in-memory storage for future needs.

3. Real-time Changes with Subscriptions

GraphQL also presents real-time updates via subscriptions. Using subscriptions, you can instantly deliver updates to your clients whenever there’s a change in server data. This boosts user experience and reduces server strain.

Check out this example of leveraging subscriptions with GraphQL:

  subscription {
    postChanged {

const { data, loadingStatus, error } = useSubscription(SUBSCRIBE_TO_POST_CHANGES);

if (loadingStatus) {
  return 'Loading...';

if (error) {
  return `Error! ${error.message}`;

return (

In this instance, we’re deploying a subscription to receive updates whenever a post is altered.

To sum up, the shift from REST to GraphQL can notably enhance your application’s efficiency – from reducing redundant data and intelligently merging & caching queries, to instantaneous updates via subscriptions. Yet, it’s imperative to note that GraphQL may not befit every circumstance. Each project unique needs and limitations necessitate thorough assessment before embracing this novel technology.In concluding our exploration on building the same application using REST and GraphQL, we must select the most appropriate one for the upcoming project. The verdict isn’t as direct as one would anticipate. Both have their own merits and demerits, the optimal choice would depend on particular requisites and conditions.

Let’s recall some of the distinct differences between REST and GraphQL:
  1. Data Acquisition: Fetching all the necessary data with REST typically necessitates multiple rounds of exchange. Contrarily, GraphQL allows for procuring all the required data in a singular request.
  2. Over-fetching and Under-fetching: REST may fall susceptible to over-fetching and under-fetching, causing one to either have surplus data than needed or insufficient data. Conversely, GraphQL offers you the freedom to precisely request the data you necessitate, effectively nullifying both issues.
  3. Versioning: Changes in the data structure in REST often demands a new API version. GraphQL abolishes the need for versioning by enabling clients to dictate their data needs.
  4. Productivity: GraphQL may surpass REST in terms of productivity as it diminishes the data amount transmitted over the network. Nevertheless, this entails an upsurge in complexity on the server side.

Here are some scenarios which help to identify when one might be a more appropriate choice:

  • Choose REST when:
    • Your app is straightforward with minimal entities and connections.
    • Your crew is well-versed with REST and lacks the time or resources to familiarize with a fresh technology.
    • You are collaborating with a public API that needs to be easily comprehended by a broad spectrum of developers.
// An example of REST API implementation
app.get('/users/:id', function(req, res) {
  db.getUser(, function(err, user) {
    if (err) return res.status(500).send(err);
  • Choose GraphQL when:
    • Your app is complex with numerous entities and connections.
    • You need to gather data from various sources.
    • You are developing a mobile app where economizing data usage is critical.
// An example of GraphQL API implementation
type Query {
  user(id: ID!): User

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [User]

Ultimately, opting between REST and GraphQL isn’t entirely black and white. You may even incorporate both in a single application, employing REST for certain portions and GraphQL for the rest. The crux lies in comprehending the pros and cons of each methodology and selecting the one that aligns best with your needs.

Remember, technology merely serves as an instrument. The aim is not to exploit the newest and finest, but to construct excellent applications. No matter if you opt for REST or GraphQL, the triumph of your project mainly hinges on stellar design, robust coding practices, and an in-depth understanding of what your users require.