Most Used GraphQL Libraries

GraphQL Libraries

Most Used GraphQL Libraries

An Overview of GraphQL and its Rapid Growth

Appearing as a transformative way to request and manipulate data through APIs, GraphQL also functions as a medium to run these queries using pre-existing data. Facebook, for internal purposes, created this powerful tool in 2012, but it wasn’t until 2013 that it entered the public domain. Since it’s unveiling, both developers and businesses have gravitated towards its superior efficiency and adaptability.

Deviation from the conventional REST APIs is evident in GraphQL’s capability to fetch all necessary data for your application in a single sweep, eliminating the need for multiple URL loads. This attribute lends a high speed and consistent solidity to applications utilizing GraphQL. It grants users the autonomy to specifically request required data, enabling the sourcing of numerous resources in a single interaction

  profile(pId: 4) {

Here, within the aforementioned, we demand a profile of a user bearing the ID 4, specifically requesting data on alias, stature, and weight. It serves as a rudimentary exemplification of GraphQL’s finely-tuned and expedited data sourcing capabilities.

GraphQL’s rise to fame is a derivative of notable features such as:

  • Proficiency: GraphQL minimizes data transfer across networking channels, enhancing the performance, particularly over sluggish mobile network connections.
  • Adaptability: GraphQL provides the client with full control over the data requisition, which simplifies the client-related code while decreasing data handling.
  • Robust Typing: GraphQL schemas are defined with strong typing. The server defines the API’s structure, then validates the incoming queries before proceeding with execution, providing a level of assurance regarding validity.
  • Insight: GraphQL APIs voluntarily offer up their documentation. Clients can enquire with the server about supported queries, contributing to the development of tools and libraries compatible with GraphQL APIs.
  • Live Updates: Real-time updates are native to GraphQL through subscriptions. This allows clients to subscribe to certain events, sending them an update when an event takes place.

Here’s a comparison table between GraphQL and REST:

Wasting/Insufficiency of fetched dataNon-existentCommon
Multiple round tripsNon-existentCommon
Robust TypingPresentAbsent
Real-time updatesNative functionConditional
Automatic documentationAvailableUnavailable

Verily, GraphQL possesses clear superiority over conventional REST APIs, driving its rapid growth and adoption. To harness this new capability fully, developers are encouraged to utilize GraphQL libraries. These libraries present a collection of resources and functions that expedite the process of constructing, supervising, and utilizing GraphQL queries and mutations. In the consecutive segments, a closer look will be taken at commonly used GraphQL libraries, their salient features, and their influence on present-day application development.

A Survey on Leading GraphQL Libraries

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), in particular, GraphQL, have been the talk of the tech industry due to their abilities to perform at high efficiency and versatility. This language uniquely gives users the power to specify requirements leading to its wide implementation in compound applications composed of multiple components. To escalate the productive capacity of GraphQL, numerous supportive libraries have been introduced. These libraries infuse more functionality into the code and streamline the deployment of GraphQL. In this chapter, we delve into an informative discussion on some notable GraphQL libraries that have gained popularity.

Apollo Server: Powered by an enthusiastic community, Apollo Server is an open-sourced, GraphQL compatible server that can blend with any GraphQL schema. User convenience and customization are key elements of its design. Apollo server effortlessly aligns with Express, Koa, Hapi, Lambda, Micro, and many sought-after Node.js middleware.

const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server');

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    hello: String

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: () => 'Hello world!',

const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers });

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

GraphQL.js: Launched by Facebook, GraphQL.js narrates the pioneering execution of GraphQL for JavaScript. It is bi-functionality is lauded – creating a type schema and serving queries against the same schema.

var { graphql, buildSchema } = require('graphql');

var schema = buildSchema(`
  type Query {
    hello: String

var root = { hello: () => 'Hello world!' };

graphql(schema, '{ hello }', root).then((response) => {

Relay: A JavaScript framework specially tailored for constructing data-oriented React applications powered by GraphQL. Relay offers an organized pattern for structuring GraphQL-related queries and mutations and combines with React to offer a developer-friendly experience.

import React from 'react';
import { QueryRenderer, graphql } from 'react-relay';

const MyComponent = () => (
      query MyComponentQuery {
        viewer {
    render={({error, props}) => {
      if (error) {
        return <div>Error!</div>;
      if (!props) {
        return <div>Loading...</div>;
      return <div>User ID: {}</div>;

Prisma: A diverse, open-source database package, Prisma incorporates a JavaScript/TypeScript ORM for Node.js and TypeScript. It is engineered to harmonize with GraphQL and provides a suite of CRUD operations for databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function main() {
  const allUsers = await prisma.user.findMany()

  .catch(e => {
    throw e
  .finally(async () => {
    await prisma.$disconnect()

Urql: Urql stands out as a versatile and highly adaptable GraphQL client for React with a clean, modular design and a small package size, which makes it an appealing choice for modest projects or applications needing intricate state management.

import { createClient, Provider, useQuery } from 'urql';

const client = createClient({
  url: 'https://localhost:3000/graphql',

const QUERY = `
  query {
    posts {

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [result] = useQuery({ query: QUERY });
  const { data, fetching, error } = result;

  if (fetching) return 'Loading...';
  if (error) return 'Oh no!';

  return (
      { => (
        <div key={}>{post.title}</div>

  <Provider value={client}>
    <MyComponent />

These featured libraries reign supreme in the GraphQL realm, owing to their robust capabilities, user-friendly operation, and solid community backing. As we dive into subsequent chapters, we will delve deeper into these libraries’ core qualities and their contribution to contemporary application programming.

A Deeper Dive into the Primary Features of GraphQL’s Modular Toolkits

The pillar of GraphQL’s technological prowess can be traced back to its modifiable toolkits that come furnished with a variety of functionalities, making it easier for coders to establish and keep track of APIs. These toolkits are tailored to create a seamless liaison between the user and the supplier, ensuring smooth data manipulation and tracking. This chapter will illuminate the quintessential features of commonly-used GraphQL toolkits, shedding light on their distinct capabilities, skills, and their overall role in boosting the potency of the GraphQL technology.

  • Schema Structuring: One of the standout characteristics of GraphQL toolkits is their ability to set up a schema. This diagrammatic schema provides a layout of your data and its possible functionalities. It forms the foundation of GraphQL as it helps navigate the interaction between the user and the supplier. Prominent GraphQL toolkits, such as Apollo Server and GraphQL.js, present an exhaustive schema structuring language that enables developers to set up their schema in a platform-independent fashion.
const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    books: [Book]
  type Book {
    title: String
    author: String

In the above snippet, we’ve laid out a fundamental schema for a book application using Apollo Server. The schema defines a Query type with a books field, fetching an array of Book objects. Each Book object comprises title and author fields, both being String type.

  • Acquisition of Data: GraphQL toolkits come equipped with a cutting-edge data acquisition mechanism that lets users specifically state their data requisites. Their responsiveness can be credited to the query language embedded in the toolkit. Toolkits like Relay and Apollo Client have developed data store strategies to streamline data procurement and reduce network data exchange.
const GET_BOOKS = gql`
  query GetBooks {
    books {

In this excerpt, we craft a query to fetch all books along with their title and author. The query is written in GraphQL’s query language and it’s executed using the Apollo Client toolkit.

  • Support for Transformations: Another salient property of GraphQL toolkits is their support for transformations. Transformations are features that alter the service provider’s data. In comparison to REST’s PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE methods, transformations are easier to execute and manage with GraphQL toolkits such as Apollo Server and GraphQL.js.
const ADD_BOOK = gql`
  mutation AddBook($title: String!, $author: String!) {
    addBook(title: $title, author: $author) {

As seen above, we set up a transformation to add a new book. The transformation takes title and author as inputs and returns the newly added book along with its id, title, and author.

  • Notification Mechanism: GraphQL includes a notification mechanism, a feature that alerts the user every time a specific event occurs. Toolkits, such as Apollo and Relay, make implementing real-time notifications in your applications much easier.
const BOOK_ADDED = gql`
  subscription OnBookAdded {
    bookAdded {

In this scenario, we’ve created a notification that triggers upon the bookAdded event. Subsequently, any time a new book is added to the catalogue, the user receives up-to-date information.

  • Error Resolution: Handling errors efficiently is crucial for any application. GraphQL toolkits provide a standardized manner of dealing with error scenarios. Unlike REST, where errors lead to a status code, GraphQL integrates the errors in the response. Apollo Server and GraphQL.js toolkit offer detailed error messages that aid in troubleshooting.
  "errors": [
      "message": "Cannot query field \"titel\" on type \"Book\". Did you mean \"title\"?",
      "locations": [
          "line": 3,
          "column": 5

In the above example, the supplier returns an error message indicating that the titel field doesn’t exist in the Book type. It suggests a correction to the correct field title.

In conclusion, the GraphQL toolkits’ primary features revolve around schema structuring, acquisition of data, transformation support, notification mechanisms, and error resolution. These features provide the toolkit with the necessary arsenal to construct responsive and robust APIs. The next chapter will delve deeper into the contribution and impacts of these toolkits on contemporary software development.

Understanding the Importance of GraphQL Libraries for Today’s Application Construction

We live in a time where application crafting is undergoing rapid transformation, with GraphQL libraries being a significant axis of this change, acting as an engine for seamlessly constructing and orchestrating APIs. Such libraries present a reliable architecture which empowers developers to form adaptable, proficient and scalable APIs, proficiently tackling complex data requirements.

The advent of GraphQL libraries has fundamentally reinvented the dialogue between developers and APIs. In sharp contrast to the tedious multi-trip data retrieval or alteration required by prevailing REST APIs, GraphQL enables programmers to acquire the precise data they require from the server through a single enquiry. This cuts down on network surplus, bolsters performance, and streamlines development efficiency.

Now, let’s delve into some details of how GraphQL libraries aid in the contemporary application crafting:

Streamlining Data Retrieval: GraphQL libraries render an effortless and instinctive sentence structure for data investigation. Coders can pinpoint the exact data required and the server will deliver exactly that, mitigating common over-fetching and under-fetching complications linked with REST APIs.

query {
  user(id: 1) {
    posts {

In this depicted scenario, the customer requisitions information such as the name, email, and posts of a user possessing ID number 1. The server provides precisely these parameters, nothing more or less.

Versatile Data Adjustment: GraphQL libraries present powerful resources for data modification. Programmers can effortlessly generate, alter, or erase data by utilizing mutations.

mutation {
  createUser(name: "John Doe", email: "[email protected]") {

In this scenario depicted, there is a creation of a new user named “John Doe” with the email address “[email protected]”. The server will return details like ID, name, and email of this newly created user.

Instant Updates with Subscriptions: GraphQL libraries can also accommodate real-time data alterations through subscriptions. This allows users to subscribe to definite data which can be updated whenever it changes.

subscription {
  postCreated {

In this particular case, the client is subscribing to new blog posts. Anytime a fresh post is formulated, the server will transmit the post data to the client.

Enforced Typing and Schema Verification: GraphQL libraries ascertain enforcement of strong typing and schema verification to maintain data uniformity and detect errors during the early stages of development.

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  email: String!
  posts: [Post!]!

Within this schema, the User model comes defined with four elements: ID, name, email, and posts. The “!” indicates these fields cannot be null.

Inspection and Tools: GraphQL libraries allow for introspection, enabling customers to probe the schema to determine the types and fields it supports. Combined with superior tooling such as GraphiQL and Apollo Client Devtools, debugging and development become less of a challenge.

In essence, GraphQL toolkits are creating waves in contemporary application development. They extend a formidable, versatile, and proficient system for API creation and management, solidifying their position as indispensable tools for any developer’s arsenal.GraphQL’s emergence as a superior alternative to REST for building APIs can be attributed to its superior efficiency and flexibility. The growing popularity led to the development of numerous tools aiming to streamline the use of GraphQL across various programming languages. In this portion of our article, an in-depth comparison of the five most-appreciated GraphQL tools will be presented. We will delve into what they have in store, the benefits they offer, and their utility in app development.

  • Apollo Server

Apollo Server distinguishes itself as a widely preferred, open-source tool for handling GraphQL servers that are compatible with any GraphQL schemas. Its major selling points include simplicity, top-notch efficiency, and universality.

const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server');

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    hello: String

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
  hello: () => 'Hello world!',

const server = new ApolloServer({

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

This example illustrates how a simplistic Apollo Server can be set up. The server is created using a schema definition (typeDefs) and a series of resolvers, which function as data providers for the schema’s field.

  • GraphQL.js

Birthed by Facebook, GraphQL.js holds the prestige of being the initial standard implementation of GraphQL in JavaScript. It is designed to perform two main jobs: constructing a type schema and entertaining queries against that schema.

var { graphql, buildSchema } = require('graphql');

var schema = buildSchema(`
  type Query {
    hello: String

var root = {
  hello: () => {
    return 'Hello world!';

graphql(schema, '{ hello }', root).then((response) => {

This sample guides us to create a schema and a root resolver, and then to serve a query against the established schema.

  • Relay

Relay steps into the spotlight as a JavaScript framework aimed at managing data-powered React applications using GraphQL. It provides a systematic method for creating React apps.

import React from 'react';
import { QueryRenderer, graphql } from 'react-relay';

const environment = /* defined or imported above... */;

const AppQuery = graphql`
  query AppQuery {

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        render={({error, props}) => {
          if (error) {
            return <div>Error!</div>;
          if (!props) {
            return <div>Loading...</div>;
          return <div>Hello {props.hello}</div>;

export default App;

This chunk of code demonstrates the application of Relay in a React-powered project. The QueryRenderer component fetches the data outlined by AppQuery and deploys it to render the App component.

  • Prisma

While not exactly a classic GraphQL tool, Prisma has carved out a niche for itself as a free database toolkit encompassing a JavaScript/TypeScript ORM for Node.js and TypeScript. It’s common to see Prisma being used with GraphQL to streamline database access.

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function main() {
  const allUsers = await prisma.user.findMany()

  .catch(e => {
    throw e
  .finally(async () => {
    await prisma.$disconnect()

This code snippet exhibits the application of Prisma to retrieve all users from a database.

  • GraphQL Tools

GraphQL Tools emerges as an ensemble of utilities fashioned to build GraphQL servers in a user-friendly, high-performance manner. It is presently sustained by the Apollo community.

import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';

const typeDefs = `
  type Query {
    hello: String

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: () => 'Hello world!',

const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });

The code snippet helps understand how GraphQL Tools can be used to generate an executable schema from the type specification and resolvers.

Each of these tools demonstrates unique prowess and application opportunities. Apollo Server and GraphQL.js are particularly adept at laying down the foundations of a GraphQL server. Relay flourishes when regulating data-intensive React applications. In contrast, Prisma proves helpful in easing database accessibility in a GraphQL server setup. Lastly, GraphQL Tools provides indispensable utilities for assembling and maintaining efficient GraphQL servers.

Comparing the Benefits and Limitations of Most Used GraphQL Libraries

In this chapter, we will delve into the benefits and limitations of the most used GraphQL libraries. We will compare Apollo Client, Relay, GraphQL.js, URQL, and Prisma, focusing on their strengths and weaknesses. This analysis will help you understand which library best suits your needs and the potential challenges you might face using them.

Apollo Client


  • Comprehensive: Apollo Client is a complete state management library. It handles caching, subscriptions, and server-side rendering, among other things.
  • Community support: Apollo Client has a large and active community. This means you can find many resources and get help quickly.
  • Flexibility: Apollo Client works with any build setup or JavaScript UI framework.
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client';

const client = new ApolloClient({
  uri: '',
  cache: new InMemoryCache()


  • Complexity: Apollo Client’s comprehensive nature can be a double-edged sword. It can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Performance: Apollo Client is not the most performant library for GraphQL. It can be slow when dealing with large datasets.



  • Performance: Relay is highly optimized for performance. It minimizes network traffic by only fetching the data that’s currently visible on the screen.
  • Predictability: With Relay, you can co-locate your queries with your view code. This makes your code more predictable.
import { QueryRenderer, graphql } from 'react-relay';

const MyComponentQuery = graphql`
  query MyComponentQuery {
    viewer {


  • Learning curve: Relay has a steep learning curve. It requires a specific way of structuring your GraphQL schema.
  • Limited community support: Compared to Apollo Client, Relay has a smaller community. This means fewer resources and slower help.



  • Simplicity: GraphQL.js is a simple and lightweight library. It’s a good choice if you want to build a quick prototype.
  • Direct access: GraphQL.js gives you direct access to your GraphQL schema. This can be useful for advanced use cases.
import { graphql, buildSchema } from 'graphql';

const schema = buildSchema(`
  type Query {
    hello: String


  • Limited features: GraphQL.js doesn’t have as many features as Apollo Client or Relay. For example, it doesn’t handle caching or subscriptions.
  • No community support: GraphQL.js doesn’t have a community around it. This means fewer resources and slower help.



  • Simplicity: URQL is simple and intuitive. It’s a good choice for beginners.
  • Flexibility: URQL is flexible. It allows you to customize your cache and network behavior.
import { createClient } from 'urql';

const client = createClient({
  url: 'https://localhost:3000/graphql',


  • Limited features: Like GraphQL.js, URQL doesn’t have as many features as Apollo Client or Relay.
  • Smaller community: URQL has a smaller community compared to Apollo Client. This means fewer resources and slower help.



  • Database agnostic: Prisma works with any database. This makes it a flexible choice.
  • Strong typing: Prisma provides strong typing. This can help prevent bugs and improve developer productivity.
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient()


  • Complexity: Prisma is a powerful tool, but it can be complex to set up and use.
  • Limited GraphQL support: Prisma is primarily a database tool. It doesn’t fully support GraphQL features like subscriptions or server-side rendering.

In conclusion, each GraphQL library has its unique strengths and weaknesses. Your choice will depend on your specific needs, the complexity of your project, and your comfort level with the library’s features and syntax.

Peeking at Tomorrow: Upcoming Developments in GraphQL Toolkits

As we explore the approaching horizon for GraphQL toolkits, we need to acknowledge the ceaseless progression of the tech sphere, GraphQL being no outlier. Current trending toolkits may not retain their popularity in the burgeoning landscape, yet we can speculate informed possibilities discerning the trends and the unfolding progress in the GraphQL fraternity.

Surge in GraphQL Toolkit Utilization

Our foremost forecast is the upward trend of GraphQL toolkit usage. The realization of GraphQL advantages among developers, such as proficient data retrieval and solid typing, will spur a growing need for GraphQL toolkits. This will catalyze the creation of an array of libraries, boasting distinct attributes and advantages.

const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server');

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    hello: String

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: () => 'Hello world!',

const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers });

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

The given code extract exemplifies the straightforward nature of erecting a GraphQL server using the Apollo Server library. As the GraphQL fraternity expands, anticipate more libraries guaranteed to streamline the procedure of initiating GraphQL servers and clients.

Enhanced Performance and Productivity

Another prophecy for GraphQL libraries pertains to upgrades in performance and productivity. With developers persistently challenging GraphQL potentials, libraries must reciprocate. We foresee amplified efficacy in data retrieval, swifter response intervals, and diminished resource consumption.

Amplified Synergy with Other Technologies

As GraphQL gains momentum, anticipate amplified synergy with other technologies. Expect smoother integration with databases, amplified compatibility with front-end structures like React and Vue, plus uninterrupted incorporation with serverless architectures.

Expanded Documentation and Learning Resources

Coinciding with the growing GraphQL fraternity will be the proliferation of educational materials. This will ease entry barriers for rookie developers wishing to learn GraphQL, as well as provide veterans with resources to broaden their expertise.

Creation of More Tailored Libraries

In line with the diversifying needs of developers, anticipate the creation of more bespoke GraphQL libraries. These libraries could specialize in unique GraphQL elements, such as instantaneous updates, file upload mechanisms, or consolidation with specific databases.

To sum up, an exciting phase looms for GraphQL libraries. The upsurge in utilization, enhanced performance, elevated synergy with other tech, wealth of learning resources, and creation of tailored libraries paint a promising picture for GraphQL. It’s poised to solidify its place as a crucial component in the toolset of any contemporary developer.